We are happy to announce that People.ua.edu is now open to all UA graduate students.
Students need an online resource to collect and showcase their research, publications, academic and work experience. Having a website is a great way to begin building a professional reputation. We call it a "personal academic website". Just what IS a personal academic website? I'm glad you asked! Call it a website, call it an e-portfolio, either way it’s your online presence and it matters to your professional reputation. It is your face to the online world. It’s your virtual identity. What do you want it to look like? An academic website is the online version of your CV. It should include your research and teaching interests, list of publications, and any courses you’ve taught. It should also include an appropriate picture of you and contact information, like e-mail and mailing address. Why have a personal academic website? The real question is: Why NOT have an academic website? When a collaborator, search committee member, potential employer, or postdoc supervisor searches your name on a search engine, your website should be among the first hits that appear. You want to be well represented for your academic work. Your other name-associated sites, like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and Google Scholar will also be on the first page, so take the time to make them professional, or set them to private so they won’t show up. How much does the website costs? While you are a student here at UA, the site will not cost a thing! Zero. Zelch. Na-da. When you graduate or leave the University, we will provide a zip file that contains all the content of your website. You may then recreate your site within a purchased or free account through Weebly or using another website provider. Ready to get started with YOUR personal academic website? Visit the Getting Started page or give us a call. We'll be happy to answer any questions. |
November 2021
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