Free Photos, Images, Clip-Art, Graphics, etc.
Perhaps the most common question I get asked from website owners is “where can I find great photos that are free to use?”
Searching Google for images returns a vast number of pictures in various formats including high resolution photos, vector images, clip art, gifs, and line drawings. But not every photo is “free to use.” Some require attribution or do not allow modification of the image, including cropping.
Searching Google for images returns a vast number of pictures in various formats including high resolution photos, vector images, clip art, gifs, and line drawings. But not every photo is “free to use.” Some require attribution or do not allow modification of the image, including cropping.
Jennifer Gonzalez put together a nice post titled, “Teaching students how to legally use images online” where she provides guidelines and links for finding free photos.
The Visual Communication Guy created a decision tree/infographic that helps students decide if they can use a picture -
Other resources specific to UA include:
Finally, below are a few sites I frequently visit to find non-UA images include:
Please reach out to UA Libraries staff for detailed questions.
My best advice for adding images to your site? Take your own pictures or create your own illustrations.
Original is always better!
- UA Copyright Page - Before using any image on a website or blog, START by viewing UA’s page on copyright information.
- UA Libraries - provides helpful advice and links to websites with free stock photography, fair use policy, and creative commons license.
- UA Historical Images - UA’s Hoole Special Collections Library provides historical images of the UA campus.
- UA Photo Library - Strategic Communications has a Digital Photo Library that seems go grow daily! Use your mybama credentials to login.
Finally, below are a few sites I frequently visit to find non-UA images include:
Please reach out to UA Libraries staff for detailed questions.
My best advice for adding images to your site? Take your own pictures or create your own illustrations.
Original is always better!